Kettlebell Exercises & Potential Benefits for Orton

By Rob Sutter

It should go without saying that professional wrestling takes a great amount of physicality but I don't think people understand their limits. On occasion people get into the business and while they certainly have talent, their bodies may not be made for it in the future. They won't be able to maintain themselves and when I look at Randy Orton, I see someone who may not have as much time in World Wrestling Entertainment. With kettlebell exercises, though, I think he can improve his tendency for injury.

I believe that a good factor as to why Orton has had injury problems originate from his shoulder condition. Orton experiences hypermobile shoulders, meaning that the joints stretch out further than they were meant to. While I'm sure it's enjoyable to watch your friend turn his thumb at an awkward angle or the knee to pop in on itself before returning to normal, it may not be advantageous in athletics. In fact, such joints appear to be more susceptible to pain and locking, to name two indications.

There isn't a workout that can help broken bones mend themselves faster but muscle can still be built back up, which is what Orton should focus on. People with injuries go through such a daunting rebuilding period and simply watching is not something that people are going to be too happy about. You need to take up a good workout method that will not harm your current injuries. Is there such a method that can help you achieve results, though?

Kettlebell exercises are perhaps the best ones to take on if you're looking to get back into shape during an injury. Keeping up with your regimen might have been thought of as impossible beforehand. While you're not going to easily be able to do the things you used to, the truth of the matter is that with enough hard work on your part, keeping up is not going to be a task. You can also look to fitness authorities such as Lorna in order to find the best ways to work out with these unique weights.

For someone like Orton, who appears to have had a few injury difficulties in the past with his shoulders, maybe kettlebell weights can be employed. It's not like he would have much to lose and, in fact, he may just profit from them. Out of all of the weight choices one can select from, I think these can pose the greatest level of ease and, if he's invested enough, the finest slew of results. Orton will want to stay in the ring for as long as possible, so these weights shouldn't go disregarded.

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