Assistance With Stopping A Robbery In Progress

By Cris A Mikal

I stopped at the rear of a car at a red light. I took one puff of my cigarette and blew smoke out the window, straight in this guy's face. He coughed, cleared the smoke away, ensured no person was looking and raised the edge of his own jacket. I spotted the Glock nestled in his waistband.

He said to me to surrender everything I had, quickly. I nodded and took a thing swiftly out of my pocket. He shouted as my Wildfire pepper spray got him, directly in the face again. I contacted the authorities as he tossed and turned on the ground, shouting for help. Assistance did arrive and hauled him off to jail in the backseat of a squad car.

I favor pepper spray since it takes even big men down with a burning pain in their eyes and on the skin. You don't have to fight back, so it is safer self defense. While he is on the ground, you can get away, call passersby for help or contact the police. The assailant gets back completely while in prison, just like that stoplight robber did.

My 1.5 oz. keychain defense spray rests within my right pocket wherever I go. This is one of those tiny pepper sprays you could hide in your own hand. That was exactly why that stoplight person never saw this on its way.

I bought it as part of a sampler package that also included a half oz. keychain pepper spray which my wife now toted plus 4 oz. stream, 9 oz. stream as well as 1 pound fogger pepper sprays.

I conceal the other pepper sprays within various areas of the house.

Having an oleoresin capsicum strength of 18 percent and also a 3 million Scoville heat unit rating on these hot pepper sprays, nobody is tough enough to take the heat from them.

I kind of felt sad for the person, looking at him shout and also cry on the ground after my Wildfire pepper spray struck his face. I just wish this makes him think carefully regarding going back to robbing men and women at stoplights.

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