Realizing The Alternatives To Safeguard Oneself From Possible Danger

By Kennth C Boodreau

I held the pepper pen within my palm, recalling the first time I decided to get self defense products for my own protection. It was my first self defense spray. While non-lethal, and leaving no long-term damage, self defense sprays still induce pain, a burning sensation and respiration constriction as soon as hit on the face or skin.

Mine may appear tiny and harmless but it is a potent defense spray with 10% oleoresin capsicum content and also works coming from a distance of six to eight feet. And due to its strength, the effects can last as much as 45 minutes. When I used this, simply a one-second burst had my aggressor closing his eyes and howling in pain just before I ran off.

When I shared my experience together with Dixon, he was incredulous. "Go have a look at it," I shared with him. "Edmonds isn't so far from Seattle proper, and who knows? You may need this, too."

He ultimately selected a 1/2 oz. self defense spray with Quick Release key chain. Rated at 2 million Scoville Heat Units, it was likewise manufactured from a very fine grain for better effectiveness.

Good thing, he had learned how to make use of the defense spray correctly and was already at ease with it. Shortly after, Dixon rescued a college kid who was in a tug-of-war with a robber looking to run off along with her bag.

As I was thinking on acquiring another pepper spray for my walks, I caught a TV interview with a lady that related exactly how a defense spray let her to escape 2 stoned college kids wishing to molest her.

Thanks to the 2 oz. inert spray her boyfriend got her, she had learned the use of defense sprays and was alert and confident when it came time to defend herself with the real thing. The practice spray utilizes water pressurized by nitrogen rather than real capsicum. While not damaging in the way actual self defense spray is, it can still induce skin irritation or burning.

It really pays to know about self defense devices during this day and age.

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