Vitor Ribeiro, The World Hero In Martial Arts

By Lisa Moore

Martial Arts is not all about fighting as people take it. These skills are usually taught to people specifically to teach them on basic skills of self-defense. In fact, when it was when it was first introduce, it was primarily made for teaching people on how to defend themselves when attacked. However, over the years, Martial Arts has been used to for various purposes. For example, in Mountainside, NJ, this art is been used in military training and also for entertainment purposes. In addition, it also acts the role of both spiritual and mental development. One of the famous grappler who has been in this profession for a long time is the hero by the name Vitor Ribeiro. Ribeiro is also referred to as Shaolin.

Being a Brazilian citizen, Ribeiro who is also known by his stage name as Shaolin, he was born in February 24, 1979. As at now, this hero is at 36. He has been in the Martial Art for the last about 15 years though he retired some few years ago. He has broken so many world records and this has added to his achievement while still in this industry. For instance, Shaolin took part in many fighting alliances such as the Shooto and Strike force. He was also a participant in Cage Rage where he emerged the championship.

Though nobody could predict his career, it started showing some signs while he was still at the age of 14 years. One incidence, which prompted his dream career is when he fought with a kid back in his school while still he was a teenager. It is after losing the fight when he made a decision to enroll in a gym. In fact, after this incidence, his parents decided to enroll him in another school by the name Nova Uniao in Andre Pederneiras.

As years went by, this hero went on training in efforts to improve and better his martial arts skills. Since he was 14 years, this grappler developed interest in his career and when he attained 17 years, he was got an opportunity to enter in the World Championship completion.

This celebrity started to break and set new records after successfully winning the world championship. This was totally an amazing move given that it was his first time to participate in such a completion. He was in a position to defeat some of the most experienced wrestlers and this dated one of his greatest achievements.

Subsequently after winning the world championship, Shaolin got an opportunity to expand his fighting technique under the adult category. During this time, this hero was ranked in the second position in Both Pan Ams and Nationals. It is during the following year when this celebrity got an opportunity to show to his mentor by the name Pederneiras his skills and techniques. In the course of the year, Shaolin became very famous fighter achieving a lot of glory not only in his country, but also worldwide.

Since he specifically concentrated his career in lightweights, he was in position to perfect his fighting skills and techniques. This is what made him to win the world championship in consecutive years, that is in years 1991, 2000, and 2001, and this was among the his major achievement in his career as fighter after breaking the previous records.

Shaolin presently stands as one of the best wrestler and grappler in among the Brazilian Nationals. He has been fighting in various divisions and categories in Mixed Martial Arts having participated in and won in his BJJ and MMA and rising the flag on behalf of his team.

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